Military Concepts in the Russian Linguistic World Image (as in the case of " Warrior" Concept)статья из журнала
Аннотация: The article features the cognitive signs of the warrior concept. The main representation of the concept is stylistically marked. The word warrior is often used in elevated style. In Russian culture, the army has always been a special estate that protects the people and the Russian lands. The concept warrior proved to have some structural peculiarities. It includes seven motivating signs in the structure of the concept: (battle) cry, army, conquest, hunting, desire / aspiration, target, dedication. Only four of them transformed with time and moved into the category of conceptual signs: army → warrior / defender / one who is fighting; desire / aspiration + goal + dedication → purposeful (person). The second group of the structure is formed by twenty conceptual signs: military, liberator, fighter, (military) employee, soldier, (experienced) in military affairs, warrior / defender / the one who fights, hero, protector, brave man, winner, squire, courageous / valiant (man), role model / example for imitation, responsible (man), purposeful (person), giving a debt to the country, ready for self-sacrifice / accomplishing a feat, participant in the war, patriot / devotee / loyal (Motherland / Fatherland / people). These cognitive characteristics show a wide range of functional manifestations of modern representations of military occupation. The special group includes figurative stereotypical and gender signs, since a warrior has always been a male hero in Russian linguistic culture. The stereotypes of Russian linguistic culture are connected with the military past of our people, with its heroic epos, tales, and legends. Symbolic signs make up a separate group. The structure of the studied concept includes sixteen symbolic signs, which are also connected with the history of the Russian people with its numerous wars and victories: gods and saints, (fraternal) graves of warriors, war veterans, eternal flame, (military) rituals, (military) units, banner, George the Victorious, coat of arms, hero cities, icons, awards (orders and medals, weapons), monuments (obelisks and columns), songs and marches, field, status Hero-city, temple.
Год издания: 2019
Авторы: Marina V. Pimenova, A. B. Bodrikov
Издательство: Kemerovo State University
Источник: Bulletin of Kemerovo State University
Ключевые слова: Discourse Analysis and Cultural Communication, Language, Metaphor, and Cognition, Psycholinguistics and Behavioral Studies
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