Technologies of Suspicion and the Ethics of Obligation in Political Asylumкнига
Аннотация: If asylum systems produce migrants as legitimate (humanitarian refugees) or illegitimate (unqualified or fraudulent) applicants, then we must understand the mechanisms by which this production happens.As this volume underscores, it is of vital importance to more fully understand who becomes understood as a threat, how they emerge as suspicious (or not), and how these categories of inclusion and exclusion shift, temporally and spatially.In this volume, we emphasize an understanding of asylum systems as not solely political-legal institutions but also ones that comprise systems and practices that are inherently sociomoral.That is, in declaring-and thus producing-an asylum seeker as either an illegitimate/"bogus" asylum seeker or a legitimate "true refugee," asylum systems confer a moral standing for these particular individuals.Asylum seekers, like other precarious subjects managed by state institutions, can "easily slip from one side of this moral line to the other, from the role of suspect to the status of victim and vice versa" (Fassin 2015, 2).Is an asylum seeker a suspect and dangerous Other-a terrorist posing as a vulnerable figure or a fraudulent malingerer trying to siphon the economic and social resources of the host country?Or is the asylum seeker a "true refugee," a victim of political persecution who deserves protection and care?This volume posits in-depth anthropological attention to multiple sites of asylum adjudication as a critical lens in which to interrogate the broader sociocultural, historical, and political-economic forces shaping refugee and asylum policies and practices.It is in these microlevel contexts-courtrooms, offices of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) interviews-that asylum seekers are produced as either legitimate or illegitimate subjects and their fates are decided.By providing an array of accounts of how global and national discourses and policies regarding asylum are "locally reckoned" (Willen 2012), the contributors to this volume add to our understanding about the disparate and uneven nature of asylum adjudication.That is, while it is not new to Bohmer, Carol, and Amy Shuman.
Год издания: 2019
Ключевые слова: Historical and Contemporary Political Dynamics, Migration, Refugees, and Integration
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