Thank You to Our 2018 Peer Reviewersстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Abstract On behalf of the journal, AGU, and the scientific community, the Editors would like to sincerely thank those who reviewed manuscripts for Geophysical Research Letters in 2018. The hours reading and commenting on manuscripts not only improves the manuscripts but also increases the scientific rigor of future research in the field. We particularly appreciate the timely reviews, in light of the demands imposed by the rapid review process at Geophysical Research Letters . With the revival of the “major revisions” decisions, we appreciate the reviewers' efforts on multiple versions of some manuscripts. Many of those listed below went beyond and reviewed three or more manuscripts for our journal, and those are indicated in italics. In total, 4,484 referees contributed to 7,557 individual reviews in journal. Thank you again. We look forward to the coming year of exciting advances in the field and communicating those advances to our community and to the broader public.
Год издания: 2019
Авторы: Harihar Rajaram, Noah S. Diffenbaugh, Suzana J. Camargo, M. Bayani Cardenas, Rebecca Carey, K. M. Cobb, Rose M. Cory, Meghan F. Cronin, A. J. Dombard, Kathleen Donohue, L. M. Flesch, Alessandra Giannini, G. P. Hayes, Andrew McC. Hogg, Tatiana Ilyina, V. Y. Ivanov, Steven D. Jacobsen, Monika Korte, G. Lu, Mathieu Morlighem, Guðrún Magnúsdóttir, A. V. Newman, M. Opher, Paola Passalacqua, Christina M. Patricola, Jeroen Ritsema, Janet Sprintall, Hui Su, Joel A. Thornton, Paul D. Williams, A. W. Yau
Издательство: American Geophysical Union
Источник: Geophysical Research Letters
Ключевые слова: Seismology and Earthquake Studies
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Том: 46
Выпуск: 21
Страницы: 12608–12636