Аннотация: Proverbs are precedent language units that relate to the field of speech elements. The presence of sacred components in the composition of these units, reinterpreted in according to the speech situation, indicates a high motivation of the internal form of the communicative microstructure. In our article we call them linguistic units with sacred semantics and give the definition as a complexly structured moralizing statement with holistic and generalized ideas about the positive attitude of folk culture to traditional religion. The studied proverbs have parallel components arranged in a linear sequence. An important feature for the paremiological semantics is “weak thoughts”, i.e. which are difficult to be understood without knowing the situation that they fully characterize. For proverbs, a discursive intention is important, which illustrates cognitive content with moral, and in our case, traditionally confessional function. Modern social, ideological, moral, ethical and everyday problems are correlated and commensurate with the existence of the sacred world in order to give current problems both universal and temporary features giving an assessment from the point of view of the tenets of traditional religion. The article on the diachronic socio-historical and cultural background illustrates the ethno-labeling markers grief, trouble, strength, mind as part of stable language units with sacred semantics gore - ne beda; sila yest - uma ne nado ; the main periods of common usage named components in lexicographical sources are presented and the sacralization of these meanings in russian orthodox culture is represented. However, in the process of civilizational changes, we state the profane of sacred meanings to ironic level. These proverbs - linguistics with sacred semantics - at the same time both phrase combination and aphoristic statement, and micro-text with deep linguistic and culturological content, reflecting different historical, ideological, political eras. The defiling process of the language units with sacred semantics can be explained by the open form of the proverbs themselves, involving various forms of transformations. Due to the active people abuse they develop special principles of attitude to the world, to god, to a man, use it in their native language and in many ways with the help of language that opens up opportunities for us to study new linguistic subparadigms.
Год издания: 2019
Авторы: Oksana V. Shkuran
Издательство: Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Источник: RUDN Journal of Language Studies Semiotics and Semantics
Ключевые слова: Discourse Analysis and Cultural Communication, Language, Communication, and Linguistic Studies, Cultural, Linguistic, Economic Studies
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RUDN Journal of Language Studies Semiotics and Semantics (HTML)
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Том: 10
Выпуск: 2
Страницы: 336–352