Аннотация:SUNY at Oswego-Subjects must detect a repetition in a stream of 30 characters flashed at to per second.Items alternate in either color (black/white).size, orientation, or spetial frequency .Selectively attending a feature (e.g., black) never improves detection of repeated attended (black) versus unattended (white) items.Many counterintuitive results are explained by assuming (I) all items are stored in short -term memory (there is no perceptual flItering) and (2) attention to an item is itself stored as a feature of that item.8:25-8:40 (2) Wby is There a Set-8ize Effect 10 Visual Search?JOHN PALMER & CYNTHIA T. AMES, University of Washington-Set-size effects in visual search may be due to attentional effects on perception or to effects of sensation, decision, or memory .In simple search tasks such as detecting a long line among short lines, we have previously found the modest set-size effect predicted by an attentional effect on only decision and not perception.To pursue this result, we investigated several more complex search tasks that have larger set-size effects .