Аннотация: The article contains a brief description of the main stages of scientific activity of the outstanding Russian scientist – oceanologist, versatile specialist in the field of marine hydrophysics – Yuri Alexandrovich Ivanov. This publication, as well as the entire issue of the journal «Oceanological research», dedicated to the memory of this wonderful man, who on October 10, 2019 would have turned 90 years old. Yu. A. Ivanov was born in 1929 in Jaroslavl, but most part of his life, after graduating in 1954 from the Leningrad Higher Marine College named after Admiral Stepan Osipovich Makarov, worked in Moscow, in the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Science. Here he went through all the stages of a scientist carrier from junior researcher to head of a large laboratory, defended his doctoral thesis, became a Professor, received the title of Honored Specialist of Science of Russia. His outstanding scientific achievements were awarded by the State prize of the USSR, also the most prestigious academic S.O. Makarov award in the field of Oceanology. Yu.A. Ivanov made a great contribution to the development of several major areas of the ocean Sciences. In this regard, he was a real encyclopaedist, one of the few in his scientific community, an outstanding expert scientist, who at the highest professional level was engaged in solving the problems of the General circulation of the World ocean, the Interaction of the ocean and atmosphere, Ocean climate, Physics of boundary layers and Wave processes in these two environments, General and particular problems of formation and evolution of the Hydrophysical regime of the ocean. Much attention, a lot of time and effort were dedicated by Yu.A. Ivanov to planning, organizing and conducting the field experiments in the real open ocean. He happened to be a participant of about 20 large sea expeditions, some of them were carried out under his direct supervision. Yuri Alexandrovich Ivanov was a brilliant scientist, kind, considerate, friendly person, cherishing the memory of him is with gratitude kept among his numerous students, colleagues, collaborators, friends and moons in distant sea voyages.
Год издания: 2019
Авторы: V. G. Neiman, Е. Г. Морозов, V. I. Byshev
Источник: Journal of Oceanological Research
Ключевые слова: Food Industry and Aquatic Biology, Aquatic and Environmental Studies, Marine and environmental studies
Открытый доступ: bronze
Том: 47
Выпуск: 2
Страницы: 5–21