Аннотация:The framework to compute the cross sections for the production of particles with high mass and/or large transverse momentum in double-(DPS), triple-(TPS), and in general n-parton scatterings, from the corresponding single-parton (σsps) values in high-energy proton-proton, proton-nucleus, and nucleus-nucleus is reviewed.The basic parameter of the factorized n-parton scattering ansatz is an effective cross section σ eff encoding all unknowns about the underlying generalized n-parton distribution in the proton (nucleon).In its simplest and most economical form, the σ eff parameter can be derived from the transverse parton profile of the colliding protons and/or nucleus, using a Glauber approach.Numerical examples for the cross sections and yields expected for the concurrent DPS or TPS production of heavy-quarks, quarkonia, and/or gauge bosons in proton and nuclear collisions at LHC and Future Circular Collider (FCC) energies are provided.The obtained cross sections are based on perturbative QCD predictions for σsps at next-to-leadingorder (NLO) or next-to-NLO (NNLO) accuracy including, when needed, nuclear modifications of the corresponding parton densities.