Institutional components of socio-economic developmentстатья из журнала
Аннотация: InStItUtIOnAL COmPOnentS OF SOCIO-eCOnOmIC DeVeLOPmentPurpose.The identification of the main informal institutions of Ukrainian society by identifying the social and cultural values which make their core, as well as revealing of the specifics of their impact on the country's social and economic development.methodology.The conceptual approaches to institutional economic theory served as the methodological basis of the research.This allowed considering informal institutions of society as organizations, which have social and cul tural values in its basis.They are structurally represented by valuable orientations and social and psychological orien tations.The estimation of value orientations was based on Sh.Schwartz's methodology, while social, psychological orientations were discovered according to O. Potemkina's method, and they were assessed by using the weighted arithmetic mean.The comparison of valuable orientations and social and psychological orientations was carried out on the basis of comparative analysis.Findings.It is shown that social and economic development of society depends on people's economic activities in the institutional environment, which is formed by formal and informal institutions.In order to ensure the progress of society, it is important to choose such formal institutions that do not contradict the informal norms and rules which have been established in society under the influence of culture during the historical period of development.It is dem onstrated that at the heart of any social institution there are social and cultural values which describe the general strategies of human activities and acquire specific forms of manifestation due to value orientations and social and psychological orientations.The theoretical basis and methodology of evaluation of valuable orientations and social and psychological directions are presented.On the basis of the data of the European Social Survey, Charles Schwartz's indexes of valuable orientations were calculated .They were compared with the indices of social and psychological orientations obtained on the basis of empirical studies, conducted by the authors on a sample of 2,058 Ukrainians.A comparative analysis of valuable orientations and social and psychological orientations of the Ukrainians and Rus sians is carried out.The influence of informal institutions on the character of social and economic development of these countries is shown.Originality.The structural organization of the informal institute is revealed as a dynamic construct, formed of social and cultural values, valuable orientations and social and psychological orientations makes the scientific novelty of current study.A combination of the research of the informal social institutions according to S. Schwartz and O. Po temkina's methods, which reveals, both, the orientation of individual actions and the way of achieving the goal in common direction, becomes a new theoretical and methodological approach.Practical value.Scientific ideas about the dependence of society's social and economic development on the social and cultural components, which are represented by informal institutions, allow expanding the range of determinants that can be regulated in order to guide society through progress.Under such conditions, it is possible to make social transformations in accordance with the dominant values of the existing culture.On the one hand, this is an opportu nity to introduce reforms more effectively, and, on the other hand, less painfully for people who have had shaped their worldview during long historical development.
Год издания: 2019
Источник: Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu
Ключевые слова: Economic Issues in Ukraine, Business and Economic Development, Economic and Business Development Strategies
Открытый доступ: bronze
Выпуск: 3