Novel packaging systems in grape storage—A reviewстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Abstract Grape ( Vitis vinefera L.) is a fruit popularly consumed around the world, known for its bioavailability and anticancer properties during its phenolic antioxidants. During storage period, respiration and transpiration does not stop, which result in the loss of water and solutes from the stored grapes. In addition to the microbial contamination including fungus growth and production of ochratoxin A (OTA) on grapes berries' surfaces, which is considered as the main quality deterioration factors for grapes and for human health. Being susceptibility for quality deterioration and spoilage factors made grapes a short shelf life berries. SO 2 classically was used to preserve table grapes but having a metal corrosive effects, berry injury causing, browning of the berries, and the formation of off‐flavors and acute toxicity created the need for safer and environment friendly novel packaging systems for preserving grapes. Irradiation, modified atmosphere, spraying, immersing and dipping, and coating of grapes were reported in this review. Practical application Grape postharvest treatments and different procedures in which grape should be handled starting from the grape vine and up to the consumer's hands were the aim of our review. Comparison between classical methods and modern ones in purpose of showing pros and cons was discussed to call for the modern postharvest treatments and its application to preserve grapes for its benefits was the findings of our study.
Год издания: 2019
Авторы: Haiying Cui, Mohamed A. Abdel-Samie, Lin Lin
Издательство: Wiley
Источник: Journal of Food Process Engineering
Ключевые слова: Postharvest Quality and Shelf Life Management, Horticultural and Viticultural Research, Fermentation and Sensory Analysis
Открытый доступ: closed
Том: 42
Выпуск: 6