The readiness of future teachers to the implementation of system-activity approach as a pedagogical phenomenonстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Introduction. The concept of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) involves the ideas of the system-activity approach, according to which a student becomes a full member of the pedagogical process; educational activity is based on the principles of cooperation and mutual understanding. The main purpose of this approach is to promote student’s interest in the knowledge of the world around, to acquaint him or her with the experience of self-education and to bring up a personality with an active living position. Teacher capacity to project and carry out own professional activity with a support on the provisions of system-activity approach is a key prerequisite of successful performance of labour duties in modern realities, indicating the objective need to form related new skills in students of pedagogical higher education institutions. However, the ideology of system-activity approach, the logic and regularities of its implementation at comprehensive school have not yet been sufficiently studied and understood by scientific and pedagogical community. It is necessary to reconsider widespread ideas about the role and functions of the teacher and to make serious corrections to the programmes of vocational training and all components of educational practice. The aim of the article was to study the pedagogical phenomenon “readiness of future teachers for implementation of system-activity approach” and the development of its science-based model. Methodology and research methods . The methodological basis of the research involves the conceptual provisions of the system-activity approach to the organisation of educational process. The analysis, comparison and synthesis of the Russian and foreign scientific literature and the method of modelling were carried out. The methods of open observation, discussion and interview were employed as the main empirical methods of the research. Results and scientific novelty. The peculiarities of application in the teacher’s practice of system-activity approach are designated. The options for interpretation of the main concepts of system-activity approach are analysed; it is proposed to improve the list of concepts by adding the concept of “readiness of future teachers for implementation of system-activity approach”. A structural-informative model of similar readiness is theoretically proved; motivational and axiological, cognitive, activity and reflexive-evaluative levels of such model are identified. The criteria and indicators of competency assessment of pedagogical students in terms of system-activity approach are formulated. The structural and informative model presented by the authors is oriented to provide assistance in completing the content of high school pedagogical programmes required by FSES. Clarification of informative components of the model, taking into account the specialisation of students and specifics of academic disciplines mastered by them, will allow this theoretical construct to be transformed into a matrix form of objectives of teachers’ vocational training. Practical significance. The materials presented in the article set the vector for the development of appropriate procedural and technological activities focused on the formation of necessary competencies in future teachers. The proposed criterial apparatus is the framework for the development of diagnostic tools.
Год издания: 2019
Издательство: Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University
Источник: The Education and science journal
Ключевые слова: Psychology of Development and Education, Educational Innovations and Challenges, Educational Methods and Teacher Development
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The Education and science journal (HTML)
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Открытый доступ: gold
Том: 21
Выпуск: 5
Страницы: 42–60