Reliance on lakes by salmon, trout and charr (Oncorhynchus,SalmoandSalvelinus): An evaluation of spawning habitats, rearing strategies and trophic polymorphisms
Аннотация:Abstract Salmonid fishes may reside within or migrate between stream and lake habitats, or undergo anadromous migrations between freshwater and the ocean. While the degree of anadromy of salmonids has been thoroughly compared, no analogous review has examined the degree of lake use. To assess the extent of reliance on lake habitat in this family, we considered 16 species of salmon, trout and charr from the genera Oncorhynchus , Salmo and Salvelinus, comparing their (a) use of lakes as spawning habitat, (b) rearing strategies in lakes, and (c) occurrence and diversity of lacustrine trophic polymorphism. In identifying the primary life‐history patterns of each species and exploring the lesser‐known lacustrine behaviours, we found that the extent of reliance on lakes exhibits a negative association with the degree of anadromy. Oncorhynchus rely least on lakes, Salmo to an intermediate level and Salvelinus the most, opposite of the general prevalence of anadromy among these genera. Lakes are critical to adfluvial and lake‐resident salmonids, but they also support anadromous and fluvial life histories by providing spawning, rearing, overwintering and/or summer refuge habitat. Adfluviality, although a non‐anadromous life history, consists of similar migration‐related traits and behaviours as anadromy, including the parr–smolt transformation, sex‐biased patterns of migration and residency, and the presence of precocious males. Lakes support life‐history variants, reproductive ecotypes and trophic morphs unique to lacustrine habitat. Therefore, conservation of salmonids is dependent on maintaining the diversity and quality of their habitats, including lakes.