Adaptation of theoretical and methodological foundations of decent work concept as a strategic development direction of social and labor spheres of the pharmaceutical marketстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Aim. Theoretical substantiation and practical adaptation of the provisions of Decent Work concept as a strategic direction for social and labor sphere development of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market.Materials and methods. The methodological basis of the study was a set of general scientific and special methods, namely: formal and logical, system, marketing, sociological analysis.Results. The international standards were detailed for comparing labor market statistics, and it was determined that Ukraine has ratified 71 conventions, including 8 fundamental, 4 priority and 57 technical conventions. Ukraine and the International Labor Organization (ILO) signed the Memorandum of mutual understanding on the implementation of the Decent Work Program in Ukraine for the period 2016-2019. The programme is based on three main priorities: promoting employment and developing sustainable entrepreneurship for stability and growth, promoting effective social dialogue, improving social protection and working conditions. The main elements of the Concept of Decent Labor (CGL), their essence and legislative support for implementation are indicated. It is determined that the adaptation of the CGL in t business structure of Ukraine provides for the growth of international specialization and co-production, reflecting the increased social nature of production and is the result of the international division of labor (IDL), which is positioned as the process of separating various types of work at the international level. A sociological survey was conducted, respondents of which were representatives of structural units of manufacturing plants (managers of medium and technical management levels), the wholesale chain of the pharmaceutical market (line managers, managers and marketing specialists) and employees of the retail sector (pharmacy managers, their deputies, pharmacists and pharmacists). The results of the study showed that almost all elements of CGL are the prerogative of manufacturing plants (10 and 9 points have such elements of CGL as opportunity, equality, freedom and productivity).Conclusions. The results of the study allow us to emphasize the relevance of the justification of the directions for improving the organizational, labor, professional, social and economic environment of pharmaceutical companies based on the introduction of elements of CGL. Decent work must be ensured through the effective realization of the social, legal, economic and cultural rights of citizens, when the main components of the CGL can be represented as follows: employment + protection + rights + dialogue.
Год издания: 2019
Источник: Management economy and quality assurance in pharmacy
Ключевые слова: Economic Issues in Ukraine, Enterprise Management and Information Systems, Medical and Pharmaceutic Studies
Открытый доступ: gold
Том: 0
Выпуск: 1 (57)
Страницы: 22–32