Individual Abstractsстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Background/purpose: In 2013, Daniel Project, a private non-profit organization advocated to give companion and economical support to teenagers with cancer, in collaboration with the National Health Care Cancer System, decided to start a camping program to create a space for adolescents with different cancer stages, to help them reduce stress and disease psychological burden.Here, we describe the strategy and benefits with this intervention for adolescents with cancer. Methods: A yearly camp for approximately 65 adolescents withcancer is performed at San Gerardo de Dota, in the beautiful mountains of Costa Rica.Physicians, psychologists, nurses, volunteers, and support team work together with the teenagers to give them unforgettable 3-day camp experience, where many activities are developed such as dancing, laughter therapy, group psychotherapy, time for reflections, team building, and outdoor activities. Results:The participants share with peers about survivorship experiences, self-steam acceptance, resilience, fears, anger, hope, treatment sequelae, etc.These promote bonds of friendship, group cohesion, strengthen their hope, give them space for catharsis, and also, they realized that they are not alone in this process, giving them tools to cope better with the disease and cancer treatment. Conclusions (research implications and clinical implications): Campsfor cancer adolescent patients can provide some transitory relief from the disease and help them deal with it in the company of peers, understanding better the disease process either in the curative or palliative setting.
Год издания: 2018
Издательство: Wiley
Источник: Psycho-Oncology
Открытый доступ: bronze
Том: 27
Выпуск: S3
Страницы: 56–219