Explaining differential vulnerability to climate change: A social science review
Аннотация: The varied effects of recent extreme weather events around the world exemplify the uneven impacts of climate change on populations, even within relatively small geographic regions. Differential human vulnerability to environmental hazards results from a range of social, economic, historical, and political factors, all of which operate at multiple scales. While adaptation to climate change has been the dominant focus of policy and research agendas, it is essential to ask as well why some communities and peoples are disproportionately exposed to and affected by climate threats. The cases and synthesis presented here are organized around four key themes (resource access, governance, culture, and knowledge), which we approach from four social science fields (cultural anthropology, archaeology, human geography, and sociology). Social scientific approaches to human vulnerability draw vital attention to the root causes of climate change threats and the reasons that people are forced to adapt to them. Because vulnerability is a multidimensional process rather than an unchanging state, a dynamic social approach to vulnerability is most likely to improve mitigation and adaptation planning efforts. This article is categorized under:Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change > Values-Based Approach to Vulnerability and Adaptation.
Год издания: 2018
Авторы: Kimberley Anh Thomas, Dean Hardy, Heather Lazrus, Michael Méndez, Ben Orlove, Isabel Rivera‐Collazo, J. Timmons Roberts, Marcy Rockman, Benjamin P. Warner, Robert Winthrop
Издательство: Wiley
Источник: Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Climate Change
Ключевые слова: Climate Change, Adaptation, Migration, Disaster Management and Resilience, Climate change impacts on agriculture
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