Composição química e propriedades funcionais de cambucá, jabuticaba e uvaia, frutas nativas da Mata Atlânticadissertation
Аннотация: Chemical composition and functional properties of cambuca, jabuticaba and uvaia, native fruits of the Atlantic ForestThe Brazilian territory presents a great diversity of biomes, that present an extraordinary variety of species of plants, including some peculiar fruits.One of the most important biomes is the Atlantic Forest, where it originally extended from the South to the Northeast of the Brazilian coast, but currently presents little area of the original vegetation, being recognized as one of the biomes more degraded by the anthropological action in the world.The objective was to evaluate the fruits of cambuca, jabuticaba and uvaia as the physical, chemical parameters and functional properties.Physical, chemical and bioactive compounds analysis, such as total flavonoids, vitamin C, phenolic compounds, antioxidant capacity, profile of volatile compounds, centesimal composition and mineral composition were performed.The fruits of cambuca were collected in Campina do Monte Alegre and the fruits of jabuticaba and uvaia in Rio Claro, when all were fit for consumption with the characteristic coloration.It was observed that the cambucá fruits present high levels of ashes, proteins, fibers and sugars.Fruits of 'Ponhema' jabuticaba have a higher fresh mass, consequently higher pulp yield and firmer fruits than 'Péndula' jabuticaba fruits.On the other hand, the fruits of jabuticaba 'Péndula' are more sweet with less acidity, resulting in a higher ratio than the fruits of 'Ponhema' jabuticaba.Both species has relevant content of vitamin C, total monomeric anthocyanins, total flavonoids, total phenolic compounds and high antioxidant capacity, as well as P, K and Ca minerals, lipids, proteins and fibers.The fruits of the 'Rugosa' and 'Rugosa Doce' acessions presented high levels of total flavonoids, phenolic compounds, vitamin C and greater antioxidant capacity.Jabuticabas and uvaias showed terpenes, which may be beneficial both when included in the food, as raw material in the industry or/and pharmaceutical area.Overall, the fruits of cambuca, jabuticabas and uvaia presented interesting functional features.
Год издания: 2018
Авторы: Aline Priscilla Gomes da Silva
Ключевые слова: Agricultural and Food Sciences, Phytochemistry Medicinal Plant Applications, Antioxidant Activity and Oxidative Stress
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