The definition of “healthy lifestyle” in psychological researchстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Article is devoted to the theoretical understanding of the “healthy lifestyle” in psychological research. The analysis of definitions of the “healthy lifestyle” of scientific literature is carried out; approaches in his definition and the main features are allocated. Approaches to the studying of a healthy lifestyle in foreign researchers are considered. It is revealed that along with the concept of “healthy lifestyle”, the concept of “self-preservation behavior” is actively used in domestic studies, and often as synonymous. The aim of the article was to correlate the term of “healthy lifestyle” and “self-preservation behavior” in the context of health psychology, allocated their similarities and differences. A number of definitions of “self-preservation behavior” are given. It is shown that in foreign studies the term “self-preservation behavior” is used in the study of professional groups in the context of the attitude to their health; in domestic psychology as behavior-oriented health and prevention of diseases. The analysis revealed a close connection between the term of “healthy lifestyle” and “self-preservation behavior”, which together direct human activity towards the strengthening and development of individual and public health, but their identification is not quite correct. It is shown that “self-preservation behavior” is an integral element of a healthy lifestyle. The term of “healthy lifestyle” is broader than “self-preservation behavior”, and can be defined as a set of external and internal conditions of human life, contributing to the longer operation of all systems of the body, as well as a set of actions aimed at preserving and promoting health (self-preservation behavior), and the harmonious development of the person.
Год издания: 2018
Авторы: Marina D. Petrash, Inna Murtazina
Издательство: Saint Petersburg State University
Источник: Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University Psychology
Ключевые слова: Human Health and Disease, Physical Education and Training Studies, Healthcare Systems and Public Health
Открытый доступ: gold
Том: 8
Выпуск: 2