White Light During Daytime Does Not Improve Alertness in Well-rested Individualsстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Broad-spectrum light applied during the night has been shown to affect alertness in a dose-dependent manner. The goal of this experiment was to investigate whether a similar relationship could be established for light exposure during daytime. Fifty healthy participants were subjected to a paradigm (0730-1730 h) in which they were intermittently exposed to 1.5 h of dim light (<10 lux) and 1 h of experimental light (24-2000 lux). The same intensity of experimental light was used throughout the day, resulting in groups of 10 subjects per intensity. Alertness was assessed with subjective and multiple objective measures. A significant effect of time of day was found in all parameters of alertness ( p < 0.05). Significant dose-response relationships between light intensity and alertness during the day could be determined in a few of the parameters of alertness at some times of the day; however, none survived correction for multiple testing. We conclude that artificial light applied during daytime at intensities up to 2000 lux does not elicit significant improvements in alertness in non-sleep-deprived subjects.
Год издания: 2018
Издательство: SAGE Publishing
Источник: Journal of Biological Rhythms
Ключевые слова: Circadian rhythm and melatonin, Sleep and Work-Related Fatigue, Impact of Light on Environment and Health
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