An introduction to glaciated margins: the sedimentary and geophysical archiveстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Abstract A glaciated margin is a continental margin that has been occupied by a large ice mass, such that glacial processes and slope processes conspire to produce a thick sedimentary record. Ice masses take an active role in sculpting, redistributing and reorganizing the sediment that they erode on the continental shelf, and act as a supply route to large fan systems (e.g. trough mouth fans, submarine fans) on the continental slope and continental rise. To many researchers, the term ‘glaciated margin’ is synonymous with modern day areas fringing Antarctica and the Arctic shelf systems, yet the geological record contains ancient examples ranging in age from Precambrian to Cenozoic. In the pre-Pleistocene record, there is a tendency for the configuration of the tectonic plates to become increasingly obscure with age. For instance, in the Neoproterozoic record, not everyone agrees on the location of rift margins and some fundamental continental boundaries remain unclear. Given these issues, this introductory paper has two simple aims: (1) to provide a brief commentary of relevant Geological Society publications on glaciated margins, with the landmark papers highlighted and (2) to explain the contents of this volume.
Год издания: 2019
Авторы: Daniel Paul Le Heron, K. Hogan, Evan R. Phillips, Mads Huuse, Marie E. Busfield, Alastair G C Graham
Издательство: Geological Society of London
Источник: Geological Society London Special Publications
Ключевые слова: Geology and Paleoclimatology Research, Geological formations and processes, Methane Hydrates and Related Phenomena
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Aberystwyth Research portal (Aberystwyth University) (PDF)
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