Аннотация:The article on the material of the Mongolian people considers the phenomenon of Earth as a mythogenic, mythopoetic and world outlook image, which is fixed first in their cosmogonic and cosmogenetic representations recorded in the frame of reference both on objective and on subjective worlds. The cosmogonic representations of the Mongolian people first reflect synchronous aspects of their ideas on the structure of the world, its device, its interrelations and functions. The cosmogonic and cosmogenetic myths of the Mongolian people, as well as of other ethnic cultures, are more diachronic as concentrate on the general idea of emergence of the Universe, its uniqueness, evolution and also on problems of space and time, geogenesis, anthropogenesis, origin of flora and fauna. In the context of the cosmogenetic representations the myth about the dual organization of the Sky and Earth (Tenger-Gazar of delkhiy, Umay) is the most popular and characteristic. The author mentions also some Buddhist ideas and practicing in relation to the phenomenon of Earth.