Economic costs of alcohol use in Sri Lankaстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Aim Alcohol related disease conditions are responsible for a significant proportion of morbidity and mortality in Sri Lanka. This study quantified the economic cost of selected alcohol related disease conditions in Sri Lanka in 2015. Methods This study uses the prevalence-based cost of illness methodology specified by the World Health Organization, and uses the gross costing approach. The direct costs includes the costs of curative care (inpatient and outpatient care borne by the state and out of pocket expenditure borne by patients) for alcohol related diseases, weighted by the respective population attributable fractions. Indirect costs consist of lost earnings due to absenteeism of the patient and carers due to seeking care and recuperation, and the loss of income due to mortality. Data form the Ministry of Health, Registrar General's Department, Department of Census and Statistics and the National Cancer Registry was used. Systemic and house costs and population attributable fractions were obtained from research studies. Economists, Public Health Experts, Medical Administrators and Clinical Specialists were iteratively consulted during the estimation and validation of the costs and the results. Results The estimated present value of current and future economic cost of the alcohol-related conditions for Sri Lanka in 2015 was USD 885.86 million, 1.07% of the GDP of that year. The direct cost of alcohol related disease conditions was USD 388.35 million, which was 44% of the total cost, while the indirect cost was USD 497.50 million, which was 66% of the total cost. Road Injury cost was the highest cost category among the conditions studied. Conclusion Addressing alcohol use and its harms through effective implementation of evidence-based polices and interventions is urgently required to address the economic costs of alcohol use in Sri Lanka as it imposes a significant burden to the country.
Год издания: 2018
Авторы: Sajeeva Ranaweera, Hemantha Amarasinghe, Nadeeka Chandraratne, Montarat Thavorncharoensap, Thushara Ranasinghe, Sumudu Karunaratna, Dinesh Ruwan Kumara, Benjarin Santatiwongchai, Usa Chaikledkaew, Palitha Abeykoon, Amala De Silva
Издательство: Public Library of Science
Источник: PLoS ONE
Ключевые слова: Alcohol Consumption and Health Effects, Substance Abuse Treatment and Outcomes, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Risks, and Lipoproteins
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