Аннотация:The present rise of modern technologies has given hope to women who have failed to achieve this highly valued ideal of motherhood, simultaneously imposing many ethical, legal, socio-cultural and gender issues related to assisted reproductive technologies (ART). The aim of this study is analisys of attitudes towards ART and determination of basic socio-demographic variables of infertile woman in state funded in vitro fertilization (IVF) program. We have applied method of survey research among 50 women in IVF program in Novi Sad. The average respondent who is included in the IVF program is 34 years old, has completed secondary school and lives in the city. She is religious, of the Serbian Orthodox confession; works in a state company and is of average financial situation. She has been with her partner in a relationship for almost 7 years. She finds the IVF very stressful and complicated, but she is not worried about the potential risks and complications of these treatments. A total of 80% of women strongly believe that they will manage to become pregnant and deliver a healthy baby from the first attempt. Respondents have a positive attitude towards ART, but without involving third-parties in the reproductive process. Traditional use of ART is prevailing in Serbia. <br><br><font color="red"><b> This article has been corrected. Link to the correction <u><a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.2298/SOC1804729E">10.2298/SOC1804729E</a><u></b></font>