Аннотация:The paper aims to reveal the peculiarities of educational clusters formation, to determine the theoretical foundations of this process and rationale for the use of the cluster approach in the management of strategic development of the national educational system under modern market conditions.Educational cluster is a set of organizations in various industrial branches, the organizational and legal forms of government and social structures that define and provide the implementation of educational programs of a certain level or focus, and the conditions for strategic innovative development of the system of education in today's market conditions, involving the specific forms of innovation activities that have approved themselves in the process of implementation of large-scale experiments, pilot projects on specific areas of modernization.The education cluster can be a tool of state policy of Ukraine in the field of gaining a leading position in the global markets of education.The formation and development of effective education clusters will contribute to the acceleration of the transfer (exchange) of information and networking; faster response to the changes in the environment; facilitation of the access to new technologies; the sharing of knowledge and assets; acceleration and improvement of the efficiency of staff training through concentration, physical contacts of world class specialists, correction of the curricula, organization of joint programs of training; the reducing of the transaction costs in various areas; the increasing of the investments by achieving sustainable competitive advantages.