Аннотация: The article deals with the theoretical aspects relating to reforms in the fundamental law of a State — Constitution. It is noted that the Constitution is a developing legal substance which is shaped by and dependent on the existing economic, political, social and even ideological situation; conservation of the basic law can cause both public tension, and also hamper the evolution of statehood. The author attends to the correlation of notions of “constitutional reform” and “change of the constitution”. Also analyzed are the approaches towards the definition of the term of constitutional reform which have been elaborated by the doctrine. It contains a detailed list of terminology which is used in the science of constitutional law and has a direct relevance to reformation of the constitution. Emphasis is made on the new trend in research in the science of constitutional law which reflects the two-sided approach — on the one hand, a factor of progress, and on the other hand, — may be viewed as a tool necessary to make public relations stable and dynamic. The article contains a list of model provisions for the present day constitution which potentially can be employed. It relates to the provisions of the constitution relating to the status of a person, also, economic, social and political systems, etc. Comparative law approach is applied to the contents of constitutional reforms of the XX and XXI centuries in various countries. It notes that a stable basic law of a country is a key symbol of a legal identity of a nation.
Год издания: 2015
Авторы: Талия Хабриева, Taliya Khabriyeva
Источник: Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law
Ключевые слова: European and International Law Studies, Legal and Policy Issues, Judicial and Constitutional Studies
Открытый доступ: bronze
Том: 1
Выпуск: 5