Аннотация:Business enterprises are traditionally known as engines for driving the economic performance of an entity, its success being measured in terms of high returns on equity and its contribution to the development of the society. The business enterprises get everything from the society for its survival and it is the obligation of the enterprise to return positive attitudes towards the society. If it fails to meet the expectations of the society, the society will punish the firm through their purchase behavior. Hence, the success of any business enterprise depends mainly on the ethical behavior of the enterprise towards the society. The Indian Government has made mandatory the CSR provisions and almost all the companies are actively engage in CSR activities. Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMGCs) are the fastest growing industry in India and numbers of FMCGs companies are doing different CSR practices. Hence, it is essential to study about the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility practices on consumer behavior with reference to FMCGs in Tamil Nadu. For this, 600 responses were collected from selected corporations in TamilNadu by a structured questionnaire. Convenience sampling technique has been adopted to collect the primary data. The study concluded that there has been a positive impact among the consumers as the consumers in Tamil Nadu considered CSR in their purchase evaluation criteria, and they give much importance to CSR related products etc.