Observation of New Neutron-rich Isotopes among Fission Fragments from In-flight Fission of 345 MeV/nucleon 238U: Search for New Isotopes Conducted Concurrently with Decay Measurement Campaigns
Аннотация:The search for new isotopes using the in-flight fission of a 238U beam has been conducted concurrently with decay measurements, during the so-called EURICA campaigns, at the RIKEN Nishina Center RI Beam Factory. Fission fragments were analyzed and identified in flight using the BigRIPS separator. We have identified the following 36 new neutron-rich isotopes: 104Rb, 113Zr, 116Nb, 118,119Mo, 121,122Tc, 125Ru, 127,128Rh, 129,130,131Pd, 132Ag, 134Cd, 136,137In, 139,140Sn, 141,142Sb, 144,145Te, 146,147I, 149,150Xe, 149,150,151Cs, 153,154Ba, and 154,155,156,157La.