Commissioner for Children's Rights in The System of Governing Institutionsстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Review. Human rights in the hierarchy of values of any society should occupy a special position. In the Russian Federation, this fact has drawn more attention in the society in the past years. The Commissioner for children's rights as the special officer aimed at protecting the rights of minors, plays a significant role in the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the citizens. The examination of the experience of establishing the institution of children regional ombudsmen and their constitutional legal status will help to analyze the level of development of the institution as an independent mechanism for monitoring, protecting and guaranteeing the rights of children in our society. The Commissioner for children's rights is quite a new institution in the Russian Federation. However, during its operation, it has shown itself in a positive way, both at the Federal and regional level. The article analyses the role and place of the The Commissioner for children's rights in the system of public authorities as well as the constitutional legal status of this institution. The status of children's ombudsmen in other countries is also considered. Considering the interests of minors, the regulation of constitutional and legal status of the Commissioner for children's rights in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is required. This is confirmed by the fact that the experience of regional commissioners for children's rights also suggests that the institution has become an important link in the system of securing rights and lawful interests of children, finding its own niche in the current system of public authorities, facilitating the observance and protection of children rights, without substituting the activities of other actors, but acting in close contact with them.
Год издания: 2016
Авторы: Г. В. Синцов
Источник: Lex Russica
Ключевые слова: Legal and Policy Issues, Sociopolitical Dynamics in Russia, Legal and Regulatory Analysis
Открытый доступ: hybrid