Аннотация:PSR J0337+1715 is a millisecond radio pulsar in a hierarchical stellar triple system containing two white dwarfs. The pulsar orbits the inner white dwarf every 1.6 days. In turn, this inner binary system orbits the outer white dwarf every 327 days. The gravitational influence of the outer white dwarf strongly accelerates the inner binary, making this system an excellent laboratory in which to test the strong equivalence principle (SEP) of general relativity – especially because the neutron star has significant gravitational self-binding energy. This system has been intensively monitored using three radio telescopes: Arecibo, Green Bank and Westerbork. Using the more than 25000 pulse times of arrival (TOAs) collected to date, we have modeled the system using direct 3-body numerical integration. Here we present our efforts to quantify the effects of systematics in the TOAs and timing residuals, which can limit the precision to which we can test the SEP in this system. In this work we describe Fourier-based techniques that we apply to the residuals in order to isolate the effects of systematics that could masquerade as an SEP violation. We also demonstrate that tidal effects are insignificant in the modeling.