Аннотация:EPOS 2012: European position paper on rhinosinusitis and nasal polyps 2012.A summary for otorhinolaryngologists. no immunosuppressants IV D no nasal saline irrigation Ib, no data in single use D yes for symptomatic relief topical antibiotics no data D no anti-IL-5 no data D unclear phytotherapy no data D no decongestant topical / oral no data in single use D no mucolytics no data D no oral antihistamine in allergic patients no data D no antimycotics -topical Ia (-) ** A(-) no antimycotics -systemic Ib (-)# A(-) $ no anti leukotrienes Ib (-) A(-) no anti-IgE Ib (-) A(-) no * Some of these studies also included patients with CRS with nasal polyps.% short term antibiotics shows one positive and one negative study.Therefore recommendation C. oral antibiotic short term <4 weeks Ib(-) # A(-)* no intravenous antibiotics III(-) ## C(-) ** no # Ib (-): Ib study with a negative outcome.