Аннотация:} i ce Zo NO TI CE , THE fol low ing Cat alo gue of the Roc k Spe cim ens , by Pro fes sor Ram say , the Loc al Dir ect or of the Geologi cal Sur vey , and his asso ciat es, is the firs t of a seri es now in pre par ati on, to illu stra te the seve ral bra nch es of scie nce whi ch are tau ght in the Gov ernment Scho ol of Mines .Whil st the popu lar Desc ript ive Guid e to the whol e Muse um, rece ntly publ ishe d, has been foun d usefu l to the casu al visit or, it is hope d that this deta iled Cata logu e, expl anat ory of the only publ ic colle ction of spec imen s of the rock s of the Brit ish Isles , will prov e of real servi ce to the geol ogic al and mini ng stud ent.