1D1336 Theoretical Investigation of Structural Stability of β-Helix Model for Amyloid Fibrils from Yeast Prion Sup35(Protein: Property 1,The 49th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan)
Аннотация:IncorporatedAssociation complex termed 'Partition Complex' interacts with ParAs and stimulates ParA's ATPase.But how ParA.ParB and pai'S work together fbr plasmid segregation remains uncJear.In this study, to clarify the mechanism of []1 p]asmid segregation, we constrticted GFP-ParA and AIexa647 labe]ed supercoiled DNA containing parS and reconstituted Pl DNA segregation on an optical microscope.Biotin labcled short DNAs (--500 bp length) wcre immebi]ized on a glass slide ot'a flow cell at high density of DNA, which was used as nucleoid DNA mimies.We infused reaction mixtures containing ParA-GFP, ParB and AIexa647 ]abeledpanS DNA into the fiow cell and observed various interesting events.In this study, we will show the results and discuss about Pl plasmid segregatlen. C162Visualizing functioning ribosome at the atomic resolutien P39 using 3D-EM data Atsushi Matsumoto (Jbpan Atomie Energy rigenc?') Recently, three-dimensional (3D) structures of tnacromolecules are often determined by using the electron microscope {EM).Compared to the X-ray crystallography, this methodgives Lhe 3D structure with a lower resolution.However, it has an advantagc in Lhat thc 3D structure can bc dctcnnined relatively easily, because the crysta]lization is unnecessary.Ribosome is a huge macromolecular complex responsible for protein synthesis.AsofJune20l1,theclectronmicroscepydatabank(EMDB/http:tlcmdatabank, orgt) stores more than SO density niaps foT the prekaryote 70S ribosome, A difTerent map usually cerresponds to a structure in a different state ef the ribosome.By using computational technique, it is possible to build an atornic model, that is, a molccular modcl wiLh thc atomic resolution, fi'om each 3D-EM