GODDeSS: a Geant4 extension for easy modelling of optical detector componentsстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Scintillator- and fibre-based particle detectors with SiPM readout are an indispensable tool in high-energy particle physics, medical physics and other fields of application. For designing and understanding these detectors, very detailed simulations are necessary, which require an accurate modelling of the optical physics (optics, scintillation, wavelength-shifting effects, ... ), of the optical material properties, and of the geometry. To allow for a reliable usage also by less experienced users, the necessary complexity and flexibility of a suitable simulation framework must not lead to an increasing danger of user mistakes. Additionally, the required effort for creating or modifying a detailed simulation has to be minimised in order to allow for the fast creation of flexible simulation setups. These challenges have been addressed by developing GODDeSS (Geant4 Objects for Detailed Detectors with Scintillators and SiPMs). It is an extension of the particle-physics simulation tool Geant4 and allows for the easy simulation of optical detector components, especially combinations of scintillators, optical fibres, and photodetectors. GODDeSS enables the user to create extensive setups for Geant4 simulations with a few lines of source code. At the same time, GODDeSS helps to avoid typical user mistakes. This paper introduces the basic concepts of the GODDeSS framework, its object classes, and its functionality. Furthermore, test measurements with prototype modules will be presented, which were performed to validate simulation results of the GODDeSS framework.
Год издания: 2017
Издательство: Institute of Physics
Источник: Journal of Instrumentation
Ключевые слова: Radiation Detection and Scintillator Technologies, Radiation Therapy and Dosimetry, Particle Detector Development and Performance
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Journal of Instrumentation (HTML)
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Открытый доступ: hybrid
Том: 12
Выпуск: 04
Страницы: P04026–P04026