Аннотация:The purpose of this study is to investigate the presence of anomalies named; January effect, Islamic calendar effect, Day of the week effect, Time of the month effect, Turn of the month effect and Half of the month effect in an Islamic equity market of Pakistan. This study considered daily data from 30 September 2008 to 30th June 2015. The behavior of the data is tested by using the descriptive statistics method. The Generalized Auto Regressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity Model (GARCH) model is applied to capture the seasonality in returns and volatility in the Islamic equity market. The results of this study highlight certain interesting key findings. The notable findings indicates the absence of prominent January effect and the Ramadan effect. However, this study finds significant Day of the week effect, Turn of the month effect, Time of the month effect and Half of the month effect in the Islamic index. This study suggests that investors would be able to gain abnormal returns, if they would formulate their investment strategies accordingly to the seasonal return patterns observed in this study.