Multimodal characterization of older APOE2 carriers reveals selective reduction of amyloid loadстатья из журнала
To comprehensively assess neurobiological effects of the protective APOE2 allele in the aged brain using a cross-sectional multimodal neuroimaging approach.Methods:
Multimodal neuroimaging data were obtained from a total of 572 older individuals without dementia (cognitively normal and mild cognitive impairment) enrolled in the Alzheimer9s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative and included assessments of regional amyloid load with AV45-PET, glucose metabolism with fluorodeoxyglucose-PET, and gray matter volume with structural MRI. Imaging indexes of APOE2 carriers were contrasted to risk-neutral APOE3 homozygotes, and analyses were controlled for age, sex, education, and clinical diagnosis. Additional models examined genotype-specific effects of age on the imaging markers.Results:
In region-of-interest–based analyses, APOE2 carriers had significantly less precuneal amyloid pathology and did not show the typical age-related increase in amyloid load, although the age × genotype interaction was only trend-level significant. In contrast, parietal metabolism and hippocampal volume did not differ between APOE2 and APOE3 genotypes, and both groups showed comparable negative effects of age on these markers. The amyloid specificity of APOE2-related brain changes was corroborated in 2 complementary analyses: spatially unbiased voxel-wise analyses showing widespread reductions in amyloid deposition but no differences in gray matter volume or metabolism and an analysis of CSF-based biomarkers showing a significant effect on amyloid but not on tau pathology.Conclusions:
Regarding the range of Alzheimer disease biomarkers considered in the present study, the APOE2 allele appears to have a relatively selective effect on reduced accumulation of amyloid pathology in the aged brain.Год издания: 2017
Авторы: Michel J. Grothe, Sylvia Villeneuve, Martin Dyrba, David Bartrés‐Faz, Miranka Wirth, Michael Weiner, Paul Aisen, Michael Weiner, Paul Aisen, Ronald Petersen, Clifford R. Jack, William J. Jagust, John Q. Trojanowki, Arthur W. Toga, Laurel Beckett, Robert C. Green, Andrew J. Saykin, John C. Morris, Enchi Liu, Robert C. Green, Tom Montine, Ronald Petersen, Paul Aisen, Anthony Gamst, Ronald G. Thomas, Michael Donohue, Sarah Walter, Devon Gessert, Tamie Sather, Laurel Beckett, Danielle Harvey, Anthony Gamst, Michael Donohue, John Kornak, Clifford R. Jack, Anders M. Dale, Matt A. Bernstein, Joel P. Felmlee, Nick C. Fox, Paul M. Thompson, Norbert Schuff, Gene Alexander, Charles DeCarli, William J. Jagust, Dan Bandy, Robert A. Koeppe, Norm Foster, Eric M. Reiman, Kewei Chen, Chester A. Mathis, John C. Morris, Nigel J. Cairns, Lisa Taylor‐Reinwald, John Q. Trojanowki, Les Shaw, Virginia M.‐Y. Lee, Magdalena Korecka, Arthur W. Toga, Karen Crawford, Scott Neu, Andrew J. Saykin, Tatiana Foroud, Steven Potkin, Li Shen, Zaven Kachaturian, Richard Frank, Peter J. Snyder, Susan Molchan, Jeffrey Kaye, Joseph Quinn, Betty Lind, Sara Dolen, Lon S. Schneider, Sonia Pawluczyk, Bryan M. Spann, James Brewer, Helen Vanderswag, Judith L. Heidebrink, Joanne Lord, Ronald Petersen, Kris Johnson, Rachelle S. Doody, Javier Villanueva-Meyer, Munir Chowdhury, Yaakov Stern, Lawrence S. Honig, Karen L. Bell, John C. Morris, Beau M. Ances, Maria Carroll, Sue Leon, Mark A. Mintun, Stacy Schneider, Daniel Marson, Randall Griffith, David Clark, Hillel Grossman, Effie Mitsis, Aliza Romirowsky, PhD Leyla deToledo-Morrell, Raj C. Shah, Ranjan Duara, Daniel Varon, Peggy Roberts, Marilyn Albert, Chiadi Onyike, Stephanie Kielb, Henry Rusinek, Mony J. de Leon, Lidia Glodzik, Susan De Santi, P. Murali Doraiswamy, Jeffrey R. Petrella, R. Edward Coleman, Steven E. Arnold, Jason Karlawish, David A. Wolk, Charles D. Smith, Gregory A. Jicha, Peter Hardy, Oscar L. López, MaryAnn Oakley, Donna M. Simpson, Anton P. Porsteinsson, Bonnie S. Goldstein, Kim Martin, Kelly M. Makino, M. Saleem Ismail, Connie Brand, Ruth A. Mulnard, Gaby Thai, Catherine Mc-Adams-Ortiz, Kyle Womack, Dana Mathews, Mary Quiceno, Ramon Diaz‐Arrastia, Richard King, Myron Weiner, Kristen Martin-Cook, Michael D. Devous, Allan I. Levey, James J. Lah, Janet S. Cellar, Jeffrey M. Burns, Heather S. Anderson, Russell H. Swerdlow, Liana G. Apostolova, Po H. Lu, George Bartzokis, Daniel Silverman, MBBCH Neill R Graff-Radford, Francine Parfitt, Heather Johnson, Martin R. Farlow, Ann Marie Hake, Brandy R. Matthews, Scott Herring, Christopher H. van Dyck, Richard E. Carson, Martha G. MacAvoy, Howard Chertkow, Howard Bergman, Chris Hosein, Sandra E. Black, Bojana Stefanovic, Curtis Caldwell, Ging‐Yuek Robin Hsiung, Howard Feldman, Benita Mudge, Michele Assaly, Andrew Kertesz, John Rogers, Dick Trost, Charles Bernick, Donna Munic, Diana Kerwin, Marek-Marsel Mesulam, Kristina Lipowski, Chuang‐Kuo Wu, Nancy Johnson, Carl Sadowsky, Walter Martínez, Teresa Villena, Raymond Scott Turner, Kathleen Johnson, Brigid Reynolds, Reisa A. Sperling, Keith A. Johnson, Gad A. Marshall, Meghan Frey, Jerome A. Yesavage, Joy L. Taylor, Barton Lane, Allyson Rosen, Jared Tinklenberg, Marwan Sabbagh, Christine M. Belden, Sandra A. Jacobson, Neil W. Kowall, Ronald Killiany, Andrew E. Budson, Alexander Norbash, Patricia Lynn Johnson, Thomas O. Obisesan, Saba Wolday, Salome K. Bwayo, Alan J. Lerner, Leon Hudson, Paula Ogrocki, Evan Fletcher, Owen Carmichael, John Olichney, Charles DeCarli, Smita Kittur, Michael Borrie, T‐Y Lee, Dr Rob Bartha, Sterling C. Johnson, Sanjay Asthana, Cynthia M. Carlsson, Steven Potkin, Adrian Preda, Dana Nguyen, Pierre N. Tariot, Adam Fleisher, Stephanie Reeder, Vernice Bates, Horacio Capote, Michelle Rainka, Douglas W. Scharre, Maria Kataki, Earl A. Zimmerman, Dzintra Celmins, Alice D. Brown, Godfrey D. Pearlson, Karen Blank, Karen Anderson, Andrew J. Saykin, Robert B. Santulli, Eben S. Schwartz, Kaycee M. Sink, Jeff D. Williamson, Pradeep Garg, Franklin Watkins, Brian R. Ott, Henry Querfurth, Geoffrey Tremont, Stephen Salloway, Paul Malloy, Stephen Correia, Howard J. Rosen, Bruce L. Miller, Jacobo Mintzer, Crystal Flynn Longmire, Kenneth Spicer, Elizabeth Finger, Irina Rachinsky, John Rogers, Andrew Kertesz, Dick Drost, Nunzio Pomara, Raymundo Hernando, Antero Sarrael, Susan K. Schultz, Laura L. Boles Ponto, Hyungsub Shim, Karen E. Smith, Norman Relkin, Gloria Chaing, Lisa Raudin, Amanda Smith, Kristin Fargher, Balebail Ashok Raj
Издательство: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Источник: Neurology
Ключевые слова: Dementia and Cognitive Impairment Research, Alzheimer's disease research and treatments, Cerebrovascular and Carotid Artery Diseases
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