Аннотация:This paper analyzes the history of cellular networks in the world were also analyzed the security of the network, identified by their weak points. In particular, they discussed possible attacks in networks of LTE, which can create potential problems in the future. It was determined that replacing LTE networks by 2020 will come online 5G. As a result of the research it became clear that these networks will play in the future, the most significant role in the formation of e-society, critical infrastructure and the like. The main driving forces of 5G, grouped into four main characteristics (new trust models, new models of service delivery of an expanded list of threats, and increase the level of confidentiality), creating a decisive influence on the approaches to the development of requirements for systems of security and privacy in 5G networks. We formulated the key directions of improvement of safety systems for cellular networks (identity management, safety radio network, energy efficiency, flexible and scalable architecture, security and cloud services, etc.), which allowed to justify the need for further studies related to the optimization of network security 5G. This will create a new, more flexible, scalable security architecture of cellular networks, which will be able to provide all the requirements of a variety of disparate systems within the scope of the 5th generation cellular networks.