The effect of orientation difference in fused deposition modeling of ABS polymer on the processing time, dimension accuracy, and strengthстатья из журнала
Аннотация: There are several parameters that must be set before manufacturing a product using 3D printing. These parameters include the orientation deposition of that product, type of material, form fill, fill density, and other parameters. The finished product of 3D printing has some responses that can be observed, measured, and tested. Some of those responses are the processing time, the dimensions of the end product, its surface roughness and the mechanical properties, i.e. its yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, and impact resistance. This research was conducted to study the relationship between process parameters of 3D printing machine using a technology of fused deposition modeling (FDM) and the generated responses. The material used was ABS plastic that was commonly used in the industry. Understanding the relationship between the parameters and the responses thus the resulting product can be manufactured to meet the user needs. Three different orientations in depositing the ABS polymer named XY(first orientation), YX (second orientation), and ZX (third orientation) were studied. Processing time, dimensional accuracy, and the product strength were the responses that were measured and tested. The study reports that the printing process with third orientation was the fastest printing process with the processing time 2432 seconds followed by orientation 1 and 2 with a processing time of 2688 and 2780 seconds respectively. Dimension accuracy was also measured from the width and the length of gauge area of tensile test specimens printed in comparison with the dimensions required by ASTM 638-02. It was found that the smallest difference was in thickness dimension, i.e. 0.1 mm thicker in printed sample using second orientation than as required by the standard. The smallest thickness deviation from the standard was measured in width dimension of a sample printed using first orientation (0.13 mm). As with the length dimension, the closest dimension to the standard was resulted from the third orientation product, i.e 0.2 mm. Tensile test done on all the specimens produced with those three orientations shows that the highest tensile strength was obtained in sample from second orientation deposition, i.e. 7.66 MPa followed by the first and third orientations products, i.e. 6.8 MPa and 3.31 MPa, respectively.
Год издания: 2017
Издательство: American Institute of Physics
Источник: AIP conference proceedings
Ключевые слова: Material Selection and Properties, Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing Technologies, Manufacturing Process and Optimization
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