Аннотация:The current educational condition shows lack of attention about moral, the teacher merely transfer the knowledge and the pupils merely receive it, there are no attention about the morals, morals toward teachers and fellow pupils. Those state encourage us to build the point of view in education field which give the attention about the morals not only education with knowledge orientation and skill orientation. This issue had gotten the attention from education figure of muslim since the 12th century. Az-zarnuji had written the book of ta’limul muta’allim which contain the etic of learning. This writing finds that the the book has the sufistic aspect when the concept of ridha, tawadhu’, wara’, ikhlas and sabr become key of learning process. And in moral education az-zarnuji uses nasihah method and remainding method and the required thing in learning (niah, wara’, istifadah and tawakkal). Eventually this writing concluse that the concept of leraning process of zarnuji is oriented to the values of morals as well as the intellectual value and skill value.