Аннотация:Measurement of magnesium (Mg) and calcium (Ca) in soils has been much more common than the measurement of the native strontium (Sr) and barium (Ba) contents. These elements, Mg, Ca, Sr, and Ba, share many chemical properties that identify them as members of the alkaline earth chemical group. These properties contribute to their natural occurrence as carbonate, phosphate, sulfate, or silicate minerals that may be quite similar and to their participation in many similar chemical reactions. Several approaches may be taken to identify the fractions of Mg, Ca, Sr, and Ba in soils. It may be possible through an appropriate fractionation scheme to partition the total quantity of a given element to apparently discreet pools. Once a fraction of Mg, Ca, Sr, or Ba has been obtained from the soil, appropriate analytical methods must be used to determine the quantity of the element.