Successful Aging Among African American Older Adults With Type 2 Diabetes: Table 1.статья из журнала
Аннотация: Rowe and Kahn's concept of successful aging remains an important model of well-being; additional research is needed, however, to identify how economically and socially disadvantaged older adults experience well-being, including the role of life events. The findings presented here help address this gap by examining the subjective construction of well-being among urban African American adults (age ≥ 50) with Type 2 diabetes. As part of the National Institute on Aging-funded Subjective Experience of Diabetes among Urban Older Adults study, ethnographers interviewed African American older adults with diabetes (n = 41) using an adaptation of the McGill Illness Narrative Interview. Data were coded using an inductively derived codebook. Codes related to aging, disease prognosis, and "worldview" were thematically analyzed to identify constructions of well-being. Participants evaluate their well-being through comparisons to the past and to the illnesses of friends and family. Diabetes self-care motivates social engagement and care of others. At times, distrust of medical institutions means well-being also is established through nonadherence to suggested biomedical treatment. Hardship and illness in participants' lives frame their diabetes experience and notions of well-being. Providers need to be aware of the social, economic, and political lenses shaping diabetes self-management and subjective well-being.
Год издания: 2016
Авторы: Sarah Chard, Brandy Harris‐Wallace, Erin G. Roth, Laura Girling, Robert L. Rubinstein, Ashanté M. Reese, Charlene C. Quinn, J. Kevin Eckert
Издательство: Oxford University Press
Источник: The Journals of Gerontology Series B
Ключевые слова: Aging and Gerontology Research, Health disparities and outcomes, Retirement, Disability, and Employment
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