10 Future challenges and solutions for safety in Chinaстатья
Аннотация: Injury ranks the fifth death cause and accounts for 8% of the total death of the population in China. Injury gives rise to more disabilities. For every death, it is estimated that there are dozens of hospitalizations, hundreds of emergency department visits and thousands of doctors' appointments. A large proportion of people surviving their injuries incur temporary or permanent disabilities. Analysis of the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) suggests that China's burden of injury has decreased since the data series began in 1990, especially suicide and drowning. Meanwhile, it can be seen that death caused by road traffic injury and fall has been still increasing. Emerging types of injuries bring major challenges, such as electric bicycles related road traffic crashes and injuries, floating-people and floating children-specific injuries, interpersonal violence and etc. The real pictures of these topics should be described by the further studies to develop the proper intervention strategy and measures. The multi-disciplinary integration and multi-sectoral cooperation principle of injury prevention should be followed to face the injury situation and enhance the injury prevention in China in the process of the rapid economic and social development at now stage and in the future. Combinations of different domains, such as scientific research and policy development, empirical theory and innovation, traditional medicine and modern medicine are also critical. It is the time for us to shape the injury problem and develop injury-prevention strategy and measures with foresight cutting-edge technology to face the challenges to reduce the burden of injuries.
Год издания: 2016
Авторы: Leilei Duan
Ключевые слова: Injury Epidemiology and Prevention
Открытый доступ: bronze
Страницы: A5.2–A5