Inscriptional Intermediality in Latin Literatureглава из книги
Аннотация: Abstract This chapter offers a methodological approach to interrogate Latin literature's engagement with epigram through embedded inscriptions. When epigram moved on from its inscriptional roots to become a literary genre and thus an abstract concept, it opened up not only itself but also inscriptions for dissection and reception in other genres. The theoretical approach of intermediality (Intermedialität) can provide a framework for exploring the blurring of inscriptional and narrative modes in Latin poetry. This chapter examines how Greek epigraphic formulae such as kai su are absorbed into Latin poetry, where they then develop a life of their own. (Over)emphasising the sepulchral origin of kai su, Latin authors invent a literary game in which the expression tu quoque serves as epitaphic gesture towards death or death to come. Undeniably, in Greek funerary epitaph the phrase kai su is a common feature as both the deceased and the passerby are addressed frequently (cf. Anacreon, AP 7.263). However, already in the Greek epigram genre we encounter both actual inscriptions on stone and 'Buchepigramme', literary fabrications featuring epigraphic pretensions. In this literary game the formula kai su advances from its inscriptional function to the status of an epigraphic marker. Translated into Latin as tu/te quoque this address then often bears sepulchral connotations and constitutes an epitaphic gesture marking or foreshadowing death. Virgil thus opens the second half of his epic with an epitaph on Aeneas' nurse Caieta (Aen. 7.1-4) which features tu quoque as opening address but we also find tu/te quoque employed in less obviously epitaphic context such as close combat.
Год издания: 2013
Авторы: Martin T. Dinter
Издательство: Oxford University Press
Источник: Oxford University Press eBooks
Ключевые слова: Classical Antiquity Studies, Medieval Literature and History, Linguistics and language evolution
Открытый доступ: closed
Страницы: 302–316