Аннотация: The article deals with the theoretical and methodological problems of formation and application of strategic management mechanisms in the agricultural organizations. Focusing on the strategic management becomes a necessary condition for economic growth, the high competitiveness of the organization in terms of import substitution. Formulated interdisciplinary nature of strategic management theory makes it possible to approach the resolution of long-term development of the agricultural organizations the problems systematically and comprehensively, taking into account a variety of factors external and internal environment. Strategic management can not sell without taking into account the environment and its modifications, as to the agricultural organizations is the purpose of forecasting the state of the markets and the development of programs of social and economic development of the region. To develop in this environment, organizations need to help control mechanisms and in a rapidly changing market requirements. For the implementation of this tool has been developed a systematic approach to the evaluation of the agricultural organization's management strategy, which is based on the calculation of the integral index. Results and evaluation of the results of the system, obtained during calculations serve as indicators that enable to formulate the basic problem of strategic management and direction in time to correct the identified deficiencies. Systematic principles agriculture organization strategy management contribute to the development of basic strategic objectives. Conducted a systematic analysis enables us to justify the need to build models and strategic management principles. This is not only a systematization of a certain set of management processes, but also a permanent fixture of the system to the changing environment, which leads to the formation of an economic unit as a strategic plasticity in management. This approach makes it possible to strengthen the control over changes in the external environment, as a systematic analysis of external factors is implemented consistently at each stage of the system of strategic management, while meeting the practical application of the main principles of modern strategic management, which includes the processes of planning and forecasting strategy.
Год издания: 2016
Авторы: A.V. Polyanin, I.A. Dokukina
Издательство: Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences
Источник: Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences
Ключевые слова: Economic and Business Development Strategies, Agriculture Market Analysis Ukraine, Agricultural Development and Policies
Другие ссылки: Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences (HTML)
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics (PDF)
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics (HTML)
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics (PDF)
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics (HTML)
Открытый доступ: gold
Том: 55
Выпуск: 7
Страницы: 54–61