Аннотация:It is by now a commonplace that the classic Russian novelists - Dostoevskii, Turgenev, Tolstoi - are distinguished by an unparalleled ability to portray the complex inner mental states of their characters. As early as 1856, the Russian critic Chernyshevskii praised Tolstoi for his superlative rendering of the “dialectics of the soul,” by which he meant Tolstoi's painstaking dissection of the inner life of his heroes. And in the Englishspeaking world, Virginia Woolf summed up a review of Tolstoi's The Cossacks by remarking: “They do not rival us in the comedy of manners, but after reading Tolstoi we always feel that we could sacrifice our skill in that direction for something of the profound psychology and superb sincerity of the Russian writers.”