Epilogue: Muḥammad in the futureглава из книги
Аннотация: Typical for any founder of a global religious tradition, the Prophet Muḥammad has enjoyed unusually high attention from friend, foe, and onlooker. From the beginning, his followers were obviously attentive to his words and deeds but also to his demeanor, and their recollections became critical for the meaning and future of Islam. His foes lost no opportunity to make their own conclusions about him, often cast in their familiar frameworks. And we have also occasionally had observers for whom the event of Muḥammad was sufficient inspiration to record. This volume is a rich collection that presents an examination of all three perspectives on the Prophet of Islam. It includes an extensive discussion of the particular identity, emergence, location, and value of these divergent positions. Covering the beginning of Islam through the premodern periods and up to the most recent debates, the chapters provide an overview of the Prophet Muḥammad, particularly how he has been reflected in word, ritual, philosophical concept, and literary novel. In this epilogue, I interrogate these contributions for their representation of modern scholarship on the Prophet Muḥammad. Not surprisingly, the two major concerns that have preoccupied modern scholarship are both clearly evident here, what I term the history and historiography of the Prophet.
Год издания: 2010
Авторы: Abdulkader Tayob
Издательство: Cambridge University Press
Источник: Cambridge University Press eBooks
Ключевые слова: Islamic Studies and History, Education and Islamic Studies, Islamic Finance and Banking Studies
Открытый доступ: closed
Страницы: 293–308