Ticks of the province of Salamanca (Central/NW Spain)статья из журнала
Аннотация: By sporadic examination of 492 wild animals and regular weekly checks of dogs (179), cattle (288) and sheep and goats (141), 13 Ixodides were identified in the province of Salamanca. Some of these were only detected on the northern (I. ricinus) or southern (H. lusitanicum and B. annulatus) slopes of the mountains to the south of the province. Except for occasional introductions, H. lusitanicum and B. annulatus are not found on the Castillian plateau. In wild animals, 12 species were found of which only 4 are monotropic for some of these animals. In dogs, the most important species were R. turanicus and R. sanguineus. The latter shows only one generation per year and its nymphs are held to be the most important vector for the cases of boutonneuse fever registered in the provincial setting. In cattle, R. bursa is the most important tick, in terms of its prevalence in June/July (adults) and from November to January (immature forms). It also displays a much higher parasitization intensity than that of any of the other 7 species found on cattle. These remaining tick species (D. marginatus, H. marginatum, H. lusitanicum, I. ricinus, R. turanicus, Hae. punctata and B. annulatus) are abundant when R. bursa is absent; that is, in spring and at the end of summer, which thus are periods of richness in Ixodides but of low parasitism intensity. The ticks found on sheep and goats are the same as those detected on cattle, but in some of them prevalence and intensity vary as result of the kind of pasture frequented by the ovine and caprine hosts.
Год издания: 1986
Авторы: A. Encinas Grandes
Издательство: EDP Sciences
Источник: Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparée
Ключевые слова: Vector-borne infectious diseases, Vector-Borne Animal Diseases, Helminth infection and control
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Том: 61
Выпуск: 1
Страницы: 95–107