Аннотация:The Src-homology-2-containing inositol-5′-phosphatase, SHIP (also known as SHIP1), is a tumor suppressor that negatively regulates the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway by hydrolyzing the PI3K-generated second messenger phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-triphosphate (PIP3) to PI-3,4-P2. SHIP expression is restricted primarily to hematopoietic cells, but has also been reported in mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and osteoblasts [1]. SHIP levels can be reduced by inactivating mutations, single nucleotide polymorphisms, or miR-155 activity [2], and SHIP expression decreases in the aging MSC compartment of murine bone marrow, skewing hematopoiesis toward production of myeloid cells [1] and potentially leading to the development of myeloproliferative syndromes or myeloid neoplasms with age. It is unknown whether SHIP levels change during the aging process in hematopoietic cells, although aberrant PI3K activity in human neutrophils increases with age, potentially via reduction in SHIP, and negatively impacts neutrophil migration and function [3].