Identifying and Managing Root Rot of Pulses on the Northern Great Plainsстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Pulse crops (annual grain legumes such as field pea, lentil, dry bean, and chickpea) have become an important component of the cropping system in the northern Great Plains of North America over the last three decades. In many areas, the intensity of damping-off, seedling blight, root rot, and premature ripening of pulse crops is increasing, resulting in reduction in stand establishment and yield. This review provides a brief description of the important pathogens that make up the root rot complex and summarizes root rot management on pulses in the region. Initially, several specific Fusarium spp., a range of Pythium spp., and Rhizoctonia solani were identified as important components of the root rot disease complex. Molecular approaches have recently been used to identify the importance of Aphanomyces euteiches on pulses, and to demonstrate that year-to-year changes in precipitation and temperature have an important effect on pathogen prevalence. Progress has been made on management of root rot, but more IPM tools are required to provide effective disease management. Seed-treatment fungicides can reduce damping-off and seedling blight for many of the pathogens in this disease complex, but complex cocktails of active ingredients are required to protect seedlings from the pathogen complex present in most commercial fields. Partial resistance against many of the pathogens in the complex has been identified, but is not yet available in commercial cultivars. Cultural practices, especially diversified cropping rotations and early, shallow seeding, have been shown to have an important role in root rot management. Biocontrol agents may also have potential over the long term. Improved methods being developed to identify and quantify the pathogen inoculum in individual fields may help producers avoid high-risk fields and select IPM packages that enhance yield stability.
Год издания: 2016
Авторы: B. D. Gossen, R. L. Conner, K. F. Chang, Julie S. Pasche, Debra L. McLaren, María Antonia Henríquez, Syama Chatterton, Sheau‐Fang Hwang
Издательство: American Phytopathological Society
Источник: Plant Disease
Ключевые слова: Plant Disease Resistance and Genetics, Plant Pathogens and Resistance, Plant Pathogens and Fungal Diseases
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Страницы: 1965–1978