Aberrant DNA hypomethylation of miR-196b contributes to migration and invasion of oral cancerстатья из журнала
Аннотация: MicroRNAs (miRs) are a class of small endogenous non-coding RNAs of ~21-24 nucleotides in length. Previous studies have indicated that miR-196b has either an oncogenic or tumor-suppressive function in various types of cancer. However, the biological role of miR-196b in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) remains unclear. In the present study, the expression levels of miR-196b were examined in oral cancer tissues and corresponding adjacent normal tissues from 69 OSCC patients using stem-loop reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction. The results indicated that miR-196b was significantly overexpressed in OSCC tissues compared with the corresponding adjacent normal tissue samples (64 of 69, 92.7%, P<0.001). Analysis of the methylation status of the miR-196b gene indicated more frequent hypomethylation of the CpG islands located upstream of the miR-196b gene in the OSCC tissues than in the adjacent normal tissues (32 of 69, 46.3%), and the methylation status of miR-196b correlated inversely with its expression levels. Furthermore, the unmethylated status of the miR-196b promoter correlated with poor disease-specific survival in OSCC patients (P=0.035). Functional analysis revealed that ectopic miR-196b expression promoted oral cancer cell migration and invasion abilities, and that silencing of miR-196b could abrogate in vitro migration and invasion of oral cancer cells. Collectively, the present findings indicate that the epigenetic regulation of miR-196b expression plays a crucial role in modulating cell migration and invasion during OSCC progression, and thus may serve as a potential prognosis marker or therapeutic target for OSCC.
Год издания: 2016
Авторы: Yu‐Yi Hou, JYUN-JIE YOU, Cheng‐Mei Yang, Hung‐Wei Pan, Hung-Chih Chen, JANG-HWA LEE, Yaoh‐Shiang Lin, Huei‐Han Liou, Pei‐Feng Liu, Chao‐Chuan Chi, Luo‐Ping Ger, Kuo‐Wang Tsai
Издательство: Spandidos Publishing
Источник: Oncology Letters
Ключевые слова: MicroRNA in disease regulation, Cancer-related molecular mechanisms research, RNA modifications and cancer
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