Аннотация:Pioneering research in 2004 by Geim and Novoselov (2010 Nobel Prize winners in Physics) of the University of Manchester led to the isolation of a monolayer graphene sheet. Graphene is a single-atom-thick sheet of sp(2) hybridized carbon atoms that are packed in a hexagonal honeycomb crystalline structure. Graphene is the fundamental building block of all sp(2) carbon materials including single-walled carbon nanotubes, mutliwalled carbon nanotubes, and graphite and is therefore interesting from the fundamental standpoint as well as for practical applications. One of the most promising applications of graphene that has emerged so far is its utilization as an ultrasensitive chemical or gas sensor. In this article, we review some of the significant work performed with graphene and its derivatives for gas detection and provide a perspective on the challenges that need to be overcome to enable commercially viable graphene chemical sensor technologies.