Аннотация:To examine the effects of suit wear during an intensive therapy program on motor function among children with cerebral palsy.Twenty children were randomized to an experimental (TheraSuit) or a control (control suit) group and participated in an intensive therapy program. The Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI) and Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM)-66 were administered before and after (4 and 9 weeks). Parent satisfaction was also assessed.No significant differences were found between groups. Significant within-group differences were found for the control group on the GMFM-66 and for the experimental group on the GMFM-66, PEDI Functional Skills Self-care, PEDI Caregiver Assistance Self-care, and PEDI Functional Skills Mobility. No adverse events were reported.Children wearing the TheraSuit during an intensive therapy program did not demonstrate improved motor function compared with those wearing a control suit during the same program.