Аннотация:Frege's writings provide us with the raw materials from which we can construct an interesting dilemma. As far as I know, this dilemma is one of which Frege himself never became explicitly aware, and to which he therefore never attempted a resolution. Nevertheless, the tension it creates is never far from the surface in those passages where he is concerned with the structure of thoughts, the formation of concepts, or the relation between sentences and the thoughts they express.' This dilemma, and the problems to which it gives rise are not, I think, of merely historical or exegetical interest: as I hope to show there are problems here that confront anyone who thinks philosophically about language, thoughts, concepts, and judgements. Reduced to its simplest form, the problem is this: there are two valuable and highly plausible theses, the price of relinquishing either of which can well seem exorbitant. And yet, it seems, not both of them can be retained; for they are incompatible with one another. This is how Frege introduces what I shall take to be the first horn of the dilemma: